Yes. Its in his name thereforenits his car but it is in your possetion.
car is in wifes and my name, she got a title loan unknowingly from the husband. She defaulted, can they take the car from the husband?
No he can not take what is not in his name.
Change of registration at DMV with his signature relinquishing his ownership.
When your husband died, you became the heir to all his property unless he specifically listed someone else in a will to inherit the car. Take a copy of his death certificate to your local DMV and they can help you transfer the car into your name.
IF the TITLE is in your name only, you can take it back OR report it stolen.
Does the car hava a lien with a bank with your husbands name on it?
IF her name is on the TITLE, she can take it. IF the husband is on the loan, he can make whatever arrangements he and the LENDER agree to.
Not if your name isn't on the title.
Not if the wife's name is on the title. She is the only one who can sell the car.
Contact the loan company. Provide them with proof of your husband's passing (ie a copy of a death certificate) - and ask them to title the vehicle in either just yours or your daughter's name.
not unless your name was on the loan/title