If they're not on the rental agreement, they shouldn't be driving it. If they get into an accident, you'll be liable for all damages and costs.
yes your friend may drive your car, but the money you owe the car insurance people, you will still pay them the money you owe them. that's the answer....................
The owner of the vehicle gave permission for the friend to drive it. Insurance should cover the damage, but if it doesn't, the driver needs to ante up. She always could have said no to driving. If the accident was caused by intoxication, there may also be other consequences.
I wouldn't worry about your friend and his insurance, but your own. If you are a minor your parents owe for damages that your friend did to the other car. If you allowed him to drive the car without your parents permission that is a problem too. That was not smart allowing someone to drive your car.
no just your friend dose
Take the car to a mechanic or a mechanically inclined friend to take it for a test drive.
the third personj
You can if they have a license, and are insured.
If he or she is a licensed driver and some states have an age requirement. They have to meet the state laws for driving. If they don't, no they can't drive.
You would be covered by the insurance on your friend's car if you are driving it with their permission. To be safe, get the parents' permission, not just your friend's. It may be that your friend can't give a legally binding permission.
you can't sue him if he had your permission to drive car. you need to collect from your insurance company. if you don't have insurance - you're outta luck.
If your friend has consented to your use of the car, and if you have a valid driver's license (not necessarily an Arizona state license, but a license issued by any state or even from another country) then yes, you can drive the car. Drive carefully.
The driver will get arrested and the car will be cruched!!