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Yes. According to IC 9-25-6-4. The Court just has to submit paperwork to the BMV saying that you have a judgment and they have no choice but to suspend your license.

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Q: Can your driver's license be suspended in Indiana for failure to pay a judgment related to an accident?
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What states can you obtain a drivers license if you have a suspended drivers license in Indiana?

None. You have to meet the conditions for reinstatement of your Indiana licence before another state would issue you one.

If I dont report an accident to the dmv within 10 days I understand my drivers license will be suspended.?


How long can Indiana hold my drivers license do to a judgment?

Judgments in Indiana are good for 20 years and they have to renew it every 5 years. Have you considered bankruptcy?

What is a suspended drivers license?

A suspended drivers licence is a licence that belongs to a driver who has been suspended from Driving. when a driver is suspended they legally allowed to drive for a certain time, drivers get suspended as a punishment for breaking laws related to roads

Can you pilot an airplane with a suspended drivers license?

If the drivers license was suspended for a DUI or DWI no.

Will you get your drivers licenses suspended if you get a DWI?

Yes, a person will get a suspended drivers license with DWI in any state.

Is a teenage driver more likely to have an accident than an adult driver?

Yes. A teenage driver hasn't the experience and judgment that most older drivers have.

What happens to your teenagers drivers license if they are in a car accident that is their fault in Indiana?

As long as your teenager was properly insured and he was not involved in the commission of a crime at the time of the accident, nothing should happen to your teenagers driver license.

How do you find out how much you owe on your suspended drivers license in Indiana?

You would have to contact the Indiana DMV, if you owe the fees directly to the DMV. If you owe the fee to the court, you need to find the records of the ruling against you from the court which imposed the suspension.

What can you get your drivers license suspended for?

Your driver license may be suspended for:

Can an Iowa drivers license be suspended for a judgment in Ohio?

Yes, if the infraction happened inside the state lines. however, they won't suspend the license themselves, but will request Ohio to suspend it.

Can you get car insurance if your drivers license has been suspended?

You can't get car insurance if your drivers license has been suspended.