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The bank or lender, who owns the vehicle ( You don't own it until ALL the payments have been made ) are within their rights to take it back as you are not insured if you don't PAY for the insurance. You are risking THEIR property, the car, by not having insurance coverage on it continually.

Remember, you DON"T own it until ALL the payments have been made in full. Until then the company that LOANED you the money to buy it , OWNS IT.

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Q: Can your car be repossed if you miss several insurance payments?
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What happens if you miss several payments with the collection agency?

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miss a couple of car payments and you will find out!

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First off it is not your car. The car belongs to the lender until you pay for it. Legally if you miss 1 payment you are delinquent and they can start repossession proceedings on their vehicle.

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Just make a payment. The missed payments will show on your credit report but that's not really bad if you don't miss any future payments.

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Not sure the case in Oregon, but usually after 3 missed payments, the foreclosure proceedings start.

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Depends on the lender. Legally, one!

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Ha, that really is cute!

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Different places can have various restrictions when it comes to foreclosure. However, in Florida you can miss 3 payments and then the foreclosure will start.

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How many house payments can you miss before it is repossessed?

once you are 90 days down they can start with a foreclosure.

If you have a judgment and miss several payments what are the benefits of paying again if it will come off your credit report in the next few months?

The benefit is that regardless of the removal from the CR, the judgment is valid. It is a court order and judges/courts do no like being ignored..if you get my drift.