

Best Answer

I don't know the answer but have other information that may help you. The American's with Disabilities Act covers many things like this. Try and find someone knowlegeable about ADA in your area. Some lawyers specialize in disability rights or there may be a non-profit advocate group in your area.

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Q: Can your auto insurance go up if your license is temporarily suspended for medical reasons then reinstated?
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Can a loss of driving privileges for possession of marijuana when you are not in a vehicle affect your insurance?

Having your license in suspended status will affect the insurance, some will not even insure until the license is reinstated - but the reason it was suspended will not affect your insurance due to the fact that it was not a movingviolations.

Can you get a tx drivers license on a suspended AZ license?

No you cannot. You will have to get your Arizona license reinstated first.

Can you sell auto insurance with suspended license?

With a suspended insurance license, I would not because you will be breaking a law. With a suspended drivers license you can sell insurance.

When your Tn driver's license have been suspended and when they are reinstated are you issued a new driver's license number?

If your license has been suspended in Tennessee, you are not allowed to have a driver license. However, if you have get your license reinstated, you can be issued another license. Your license number will always be the same number, even if it has been revoked before.

When your driver's license have been suspended and when you get them reinstated are you issued a new driver's license number?

When your driver's license have been suspened in Tn. when they are reinstated are you issued a new driver's license number?

Your friend was caught without car insurance and had his license suspended but is unable to pay insurance or fines and will lose his job without a car Is there anything he can do?

If he has to have a car to keep his job, but can't get his license reinstated or pay for the insurance, then he won't be able to keep his job.

When your Tn driver's license are suspended when you have them reinstated are you issued a new driver's license number?

In Tn when your driver's license is suspended and them reinstated, your driver's license number remains the same. Depending on the offense, you may receive a new license card with updated information with the same number one was originally issued.

Can you get car insurance if your drivers license has been suspended?

You can't get car insurance if your drivers license has been suspended.

Will it affect your insurance if a driver listed on your policy gets her license suspended?

Yes, they will raise your insurance because the driver with the suspended license is considered irresponsible and a major risk to them. Get them removed from the insurance. They are no longer allowed to drive, and are no longer driving the car, so the rates should actually go down. Once their license has been reinstated, and they need to be added back into the policy, the rates will go up.

If your license is suspended in MN can you obtain a license in NC?

No. Your license is suspended in all states. You will have to get reinstated in Florida first. Actually that is not true my licence are suspended in the state of Florida but i went to NC and I have a licence so you my friend are not telling the truth

Can you get insurance on your car if your license is suspended?

There are some companies that will offer insurance if your license is suspended, your best bet is a local insurance company that represents multiple insurance companies.

Can your license still get suspended if your car was repossessed before your license gets suspended for no insurance if it was before the deadline?

Yes, your license can be suspended and usually is when you receive a ticket for no Insurance. The fact youwere driving without insurance has no bearing on whether you have a car or not.