You cannot use water in an engine instead of petrol. The internal combustion engine of a car or truck requires the ignition of gases in order to create power. This doesn't happen with water.
Water doesn't combust.
If you use Petrol or Gasoline in a Diesel engine you will destroy that engine. That is why you do not use it.
Yes, you can use a fuel injector in a petrol engine.
Petrol in a diesel engine will destroy the engine.
No. A petrol or gasoline engine will not run on diesel fuel.
Many use standard petrol, some use high octane petrol.
the engine will not run because of three reasons. 1. Diesel uses more compression than the petrol engine does 2. the diesel engines fuel to air mixture is 1:1 and petrol isn't 3. diesel engines use straight compression or glow plugs instead of spark plugs
Turbochargers are used on some petrol or gasoline engines.
Many petrol cars have fuel injectors.
No, the petrol has a higher ignition flash point than that of kerosene. It would be like using petrol in a diesel engine. The engine would run extremely hot and the engine could be destroyed. As diesel uses compression to burn the fuel petrol needs a spark. The petrol under higher compression will pre ignite and cause detonation in the piston cylinders. This could destroy the pistons, cylinder walls or the cylinder head of the engine.