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xylene also will work without damaging the paint or even the wax. It will also take off overspray, glue from decals. Its a great product, should always have some around the house.

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Q: Can you use turpentine to remove tar from car?
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How do you remove gum from car exterior?

use wd-40 works great for tar also

Remove smell of turpentine?

Turpentine is a solvent so it will eventually evaporate and the smell will disappear. To remove the smell of turpentine sooner rather than later, you can use vinegar, baking soda or zeolite granules or powder.

How do you remove nail polish from bathtubs?

Obviously nail polish remover, but if that is not available then use turpentine if you have some.

Why a painter removes paint with turpentine?

A painter may use turpentine to remove paint because it is a solvent that can break down and dissolve dried paint, making it easier to remove from surfaces or brushes. Turpentine can help clean up mistakes, spills, or excess paint during the painting process.

How do you remove a lot of tar from the inside of my dryer?

It is just a painted metal, or bare metal surface so get a bottle of tar remover from the auto parts store like you would use on a car and rub away.

What are the different grades of white spirits?

White spirit is also called turpentine substitute. All grades can be used to thin paint or remove tar stains but some grades are low odour, and so more suitable for use indoors. They tend to be more expensive.

What solvent to use to remove glue from a rubber boat?

kerosene or aviation turbine fuel or Turpentine oil

How do you clean sap off your car?

Sap should come off easily be cleaned off with mineral turpentine, engine degreaser and sometimes methylated spirits. If the sap is hard try scraping it with your nail. If you do use one of these, wash the area off afterwards as there are some products that, if left on for long, may damage the paintwork. If you've mistaken tar with sap the tar should come off with eucalyptus oil or one of the above. There are car parts sellers that you could ask and they will probably have a product that leans off sap and tar.

What can you use to remove adhesive from car paint?

A good bug and tar remover should work fine Vegetable oil or WD40 work just fine for removing adhesives.

How do I remove enamel from wood?

Enamel Paint or stain can be removed with turpentine just remember to use a mask because it stinks

Will turpentine damage hard wood floors if used to remove carpet glue?

No, usually the varnish used on hardwood floors is resistant to turpentine. I would rather use Goof Off if I was removing carpet glue.

How do you clean tar off a driveway?

A strong chemical cleaner will be needed to remove tar from the driveway. Muratic acid, or something similar should soften the tar. use all safety precautions.