No you can not use primer as your paint because it has no sealing properites in it.
Start with a primer, Perma Seal is great. then I would use oil based paint.
yes. However, you cannot use an oil base paint over a latex primer. If you change your mind on the paint, you must strip the paint before you use an oil based paint on the primer.
Yes, use a good primer first. I do it often.
You should always use primer first.
If you use a quality primer like Kilz or Bullseye, you should be OK.
It's generally much better to use water base primer on drywall.
a primer is liquid you apply before painting , to help the paint stick to the surface that you are planning to paint.
You do NOT use regular paint as primer. It contains none of the qualities of primer.
To paint galvanized metal you need a special primer. Look in a paint store or home supply store for a primer for galvanized metal. After the primer coat dries you can use any exterior paint.
You don't specify on what material you are using the primer on.In either case primer is paint that is made to seal and bond to the material you are painting, which in turn helps the regulat paint to bond. You CAN use primer as a final coat but the primer won't give you the hardness that a paint will or the shine, but there is no reason that you can't use it. Depends on the look you want. Hope this helps
No, it isn't a primer or any use as one.