Yes, You can. But you have to bore the Engine Bore bigger to match the piston. The Guage can be located at any Autoparts store.
not a clue
With stock gearing 62-65 mph
piston get stucked in the cylinder
What is the standard bore size of a 1987 suzuki rm250 1987
replace the cylinder gasket and check for cracks and replace the head gaskets
There is no rm 125 fourstroke they make a drz.
how much fork oil in a rm 85
Use the backdoor x
What is RM ....................................................... I hope this was the RM you were looking for.RM is a mickrosoft office softwear 2008 and its for lower primry schools on computers its really good at school we use RM computer libreay softwear for our libearry to cheak a book in.At school i like playing this game on RM colour magic its really fun.Oh and RM is the most usefull progam for primary schools in egland. I hope i helped
RM's software is designed for use by elementary school teachers.It's designed to help you teach young children.
malaysian ringgit (RM)
he uses a suzuki RM 199