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Q: Can you use plastic bobbins in a Toyota sewing machine?
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Related questions

What would I need to operate a sewing machine?

To operate a sewing machine, you will need a place to set the machine up, thread, bobbins and a needle for your machine and fabric type.

Do you need bobbins for your sewing machine from a flea market?

Most sewing machines require bobbins, so you will most likely need one. Look up the specific machine to find out what size or type of bobbin is ideal.

How much is 1938 singer cabinet sewing machine?

I have a 1938 electric singer sewing machine with cabinet and seat with most of the attachments and bobbins. What is my machine worth please.

Do you need to have bobbins for your sewing machine?

I'm not exactly sure what you are asking, but if it is "WHAT IS a sewing machine bobbin?" then I can help. The sewing machine bobbin is the round "wheel" like part that holds the thread under the sewing needle. In the older machines it was metal, and in the newer machines it is mainly plastic. Mostly, these bobbins are not interchangeable from one machine to the next. Each sewing machine brand requires its' own specific bobbin. Without the bobbin (with thread on it!) a machine is unable to sew.

How do you set up your brothers sewing machine to make bobbins?

Since there are different adjustments for every brand of sewing machines, the best you can do is taking it to a technician who will teach you how to make bobbins. It's a very easy operation.

Where do you get bobbins in La Tale?

You can get bobbins from any sewing supply shop that sells sewing machines.

Where can you buy bobbins for a Kenmore sewing machine model?

I use the universal needles and have for years. Works fine and I've had the machine for about 35 years

What is the best way to get more information on toyota sewing machine?

"To find lots of information on Toyota's line of sewing machines, you can find them on Toyota Sewing Machines' website. On the site, you can compare both of Toyota's current sewing products, look at pictures submitted by Toyota sewing machine enthusiasts of their finished sewing products, and find local information about Toyota Sewing Machines for your region."

Where would one purchase a Toyota sewing machine?

The Toyota Sewing Machine Company has been making sewing machines since 1946. In addition to the company website, Toyota sewing machines can be purchased at Sears, Amazon, and Ebay.

What is the shuttle in a sewing machine?

Shuttles are also called bobbins or loop-takers. This shuttle is a plastic or metal spool that holds the bottom thread in place so the needle can pick up the thread and create a stitch in the fabric.

How do you take care the sewing machine?

Use plastic to cover the sewing.

What size bobbin do you use for Kenmore sewing machine model 1941?

Have the instruction book but does not mention so I have the machine and I would say same size as the singer but are metal OK ( bobbin ) Most Kenmore sewing machines (including this one) take class 15 bobbins which you can find at Joann's, Walmart, and most places that deal in sewing machines. They come in either plastic or metal.