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It'll take the wax right if you WANT the wax off, Dawn is just fine. Otherwise, use car-washing detergent.

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Q: Can you use dawn to wash car?
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Can you use dawn dish soap to wash cars?

yes you can but it will stip off the wax, best to rewax your car again afterwards

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wash with dawn detergent and dry before dry

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Smart wash

How do you remove motor oil out of fabric?

Use "Dawn" dish detergent on the spot and then wash as usual

What should you use to wash your car?

I recommend you use a car wash detergent made especially for car finishes, that you can buy almost anywhere. Do not use any detergent that removes grease or it will remove your wax.

How many gallons of water do they use at a car wash?

a commercial car wash averages less than 45 gallons ...

What kind of soap do you use to wash a car?

A good car wash soap, it doesn't leave spots, dish soap will.

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Can you use a acid brush to wash a car?

You risk damage to the car's paint.

What is the safety home product to wash your car with?

Dawn dish soap works great for hand washing cars, and is environmentally safe as well.

What is the process for using a self car wash?

Washing your vehicle at a self serve car wash can save you some money over washing it at an automatic drive thru car wash. To use a self serve car wash you'll need to deposit your coins into the coin mechanism, select your options for what type of wash you want and once the spray nozzle starts to spray soapy water use it to spray your car clean.

How many liters of water does a car use?

minimum 140 liters to wash a car