I wouldn't recommend it, even though technically speaking ethanol is basically alcohol. Just stick to regular gasoline or diesel fuel.
electricity, turned with a crank
Rubbing alcohol is 70% isopropyl alcohol, so you wouldn't use it since it contains some water. Use 99% isopropyl alcohol instead.
cars get power from gasoline because when the gas enters the cylinder the spark plug explodes the gas which pushes the piston down and turns the crank shaft which moves the car
the severity of crashing your car increases with alcohol use
No, putting rubbing alcohol in your gas tank can damage your engine and fuel system. Rubbing alcohol is not designed for use in vehicles and can cause serious harm to your car's components. It is best to stick to using the recommended fuel for your vehicle.
its basically just another kind of fuel that you can use to power a car.. produced by burning sugar to make a gas..
its basically just another kind of fuel that you can use to power a car.. produced by burning sugar to make a gas..
No, it is not safe to use isopropyl alcohol in a gas tank as it can damage the engine and fuel system components.
Most use a 15% alcohol to 85% gasoline mixture.
There is no oil in the crank case,,you use mixed gas and oil that's what lubes the crank bearings and piston rings.
Add 1 bottle of ordinary rubbing alcohol to the tank. If The Bad gas is just gas that has water in it, then the alcohol will allow the water to "burn" with the gas. == == The best way to do it is kind of a pain. Take the tank off and dump the bad gas out. While the tanks off would be a good time to flush it out too. You can use a ordinary garden hose and siphone the gas out of the tank.
No gasoline used in your car is in a liquid state.