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nah son.

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Q: Can you turn off auto capitalization on Pantech matrix?
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Does the pantech matrix have the speakerphone capability?

yes i does. all u have to do is call sum one and then press the middle button and that will turn it on a off with the speaker fone

How do you load music on a pantech hotshot?

yes the pantech hotshot does have a keyboard you just turn it sideways

How do you fix a pantech impact that will not turn on?

you get a new one!(:

How do you fix a Pantech matrix with a white screen?

Turn off the phone. Take out the battery and sim card for 30 seconds. Place the battery and sim card back in the phone, plug in the charger and turn it on. Unplug the charger, take the battery and sim card back out.

How do you use the Pantech pursuit front camera?

I dont believe, the pantech pursuit has a front camera. But it does have a back camera, you can just turn it around! I hope that helps!

How do you get a qwerty keyboard on the pantech hotshot?

All you have to do is turn your phone sideways with the screen facing tword you

How do you turn t9 on for the Pantech impact's external display?

No, you cannot. Why not use the full keyboard??

How to turn speaker on pantech phone?

During a call you have to press then middle circle button.

How do you lower your vibration on your Pantech duo?

you can't lower the vibration just turn it on silent you crazy

What is the makeup of the matrix in connective tissue?

The matrix consist of fibers and ground substances that determines the character of the matrix, which in turn difines the kind of connective tissue.

How do you turn off autoreply on HorseIsle?

To turn off your autoreply, type !AUTOREPLY

How do you get the back off the Pantech pursuit II?

turn it off. hold it face down. have the camera end down and you'll see a little slit above the upside-down "pantech" on the other end. slip something non-damaging in there and wiggle it. then it pops off.