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yes, some cars (very view, but i know a Buick park avenue worked for it) you can remove the key after it is running and still run the car. others will shut down if the key is removed.


Yes you can turn any car off while the car is in gear, then merely place the car into park.

In my years of being a mechanic i have done this many many times. It doesn't hurt anything. Just make sure you have your foot on the brake when you do it.

If the car is moving whily you shut off the key then it is dangerous as you might turn th

e key back too far and lock the steering wheel. However it is oK to do while stopped.


any vehicle with a manual transmission can be turned off when car is in gear

also to correct the first answer given, all modern cars have a safety in the ignition,preventing removal of key from ignition while engine is running

this is done because most cars have Power Steering, power brakes which cease to work correctly with no engine power

they also have steering locks which will lock the steering when key is in off position and key removed

if you can remove key while engine is running, the ignition lock /switch is broken and needs replacing

it is also dangerous and illegal to have the an ignition swith in this condition

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Q: Can you turn car key off when car is in gear?
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