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Yes and No. Depends on what type of vehcile, a FWD or a RWD. Because when the transmission is in park it locks whatever tires that does the pulling, so only way to tow a car with no keys is to get the tires that pulls off the ground then its free to go.

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Q: Can you tow a car without the key?
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Can car be towed without key?

Yes, cars can be towed without a key, and most cars that are towed do not have keys. If a car is towed for being illegally parked, they don't get in touch with the owner of the car and ask to have the key so the car can be towed, they just tow it. The car does not have to have its engine turned on in order to tow it; the tow truck just pulls it along.

Can you buy a car without insurance n have it tow?

You can tow a car that does not have insurance.

Breech of contract for a car - how can car be repo?

with a tow truck or a key.

Is it illegal to tow someone else's car without their permission?

Yes, it is illegal to tow someone else's car without their permission.

Is it permissible for me to tow someone else's car?

No, it is not permissible to tow someone else's car without their permission.

Can my apartment complex tow my car without notice or warning?

No, your apartment complex cannot tow your car without giving you notice or warning.

How does the repo man get a key to your car?

I am a repo-Woman. If you purchased your car from a car lot, the car lot keeps a copy to the keys in case they need to reposess the car in the future when you dont pay. The repo-person can also get a key to the car from a dealer, such as GMC, etc. Or they can have a blank key, that accesses any car. If they dont have a key, they can tow it without a key. Pay for your car and you dont have to worry about it, :O)

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How do you repo a car without a tow truck?

drive it away

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car starts without key

If i take a car without permission and the police tow it do the owners have to pay the fee?

If you take a car without permission and the police tow it the owners do have to pay the fee for the wrecker service and the impound fee.

How do you tow a Toyota Camry?

If you cannot start it there is no choice. You have to use a tow truck. Because the transmission will not allow you to switch to neutral without starting the car. If you can start the car you can shift to neutral ask one of your friends with a tow rope in the trunk to tow your car where you want to.