Yes. If you go to the dealer or any reputable repair shop with the serial number they can tell you if it was built as a dually by the manufacturer.
Yes, Nissan dealer
where is the VIN located on a 1937 ford pickup
Decal on Driver door or passengers door will tell you along with other info such as vin and total weight!
VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number. VIN already has the word "Number" in the acronym so you don't need to say "VIN number" the word "Number"is clearly superfluous. BTW, "N" stands for "Number" also in "PIN"
Check the vin number there should be a "z" in the 8th spot on the vin number
There were no VIN numbers in 1949. Vehicles at that time had a serial number and an engine number. The serial number is what you want and should be on a plate somewhere in the door jamb.
Vin number
type the VIN number in.
The seventeen digit VIN was not used until 1981. The serial number is all there is on a 1958.
VIN stands for vehicle identification number. Each car is given a unique VIN number. If the vehicle is lost or stolen, this unique number can be used to locate the car.
Call a Dealer with your VIN number and they can tell you if you have any open recalls.Call a Dealer with your VIN number and they can tell you if you have any open recalls.
A VIN number can tell you all about a car even where it is far. A VIN number is located on all cars.