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Yes you can. It's up you if you'll gonna sell it to someone else and after it was successfully sold your car, you should return the money to the other buyer of your car who has a lean on your car.

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Q: Can you sell your car if an individual has a lean on your car?
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Can you junk a car without the key or a tittle loan?

You cannot sell a car for salvage unless you have the title with you listed as the owner with no lean on the car. If there is a lien on the car you cannot sell it without having the lien removed.

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A wholesale car dealer is a car dealer that cannot sell vehicles to the general public, and can sell only to other car dealers.

How can you sell your car if the credit union has your title but you do not owe any more on the loan?

Contact the Credit Union for a lean release.

Can you sell a car to an individual that does not have a drivers license?

depends how much money they give you for it

Can an individual sell a car with an expired inspection sticker in Texas?

Yes. But not a dealership

What can a car dealership do when your car has a lean on it?

If a car dealership has a lean on your car and you have not made the required payments they may repossess your car.

Is it illegal to sell a car on finance to pay off finance?

I believe in certain states yes due to the fact that you don't own the car, the bank or lean holder does.

Is Friday a good day to sell cars?

Any day is a good day but Saturday is the best day for an individual to sell a car. More people are off work and are out looking for a car on that day.

Why would an individual visit the OVE website?

An individual would visit the OVE website in order to sell their car directly online instead of waiting to sell at auction. OVE stands for Online Vehicle Exchange.

Is it illegal to sell A car with a lean and not inform the buyer?

You are required to inform the buyer of all known defects that could pose as a threat. So I'd say yes.

Is the sell of a car legal without a title and just a bill of sell?

You can sell a vehicle to a salvage yard for parts with a bill of sale if they don't intend to resell the vehicle, but if you sell it to an individual, and they want to register the vehicle, they will need a title.

If car is paid in full does the primary owner need co-owner to sell car?

If the other owner is on the title then they are needed. If the other individual was just a cosigner on the loan then they are not needed to sell the vehichle. This information should be on the back of the vehichle's title.