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yes you can but you will need the marriage certificate as well as the death certificate and fill out papers at the DMV.

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Q: Can you sell a car titled in the name of your deceased husband - there is no will?
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If a deceased person's name is on a deed does a death certificate need to be porvided in order to sell the real estate property?

Depends on the original deed and wording. If the property was held 'with rights of survivorship' for a husband and wife, if the husband died the wife should be be able to sell it with a valid death certificate of the husband. If it was owned only by the deceased or as one of several owners, a Letter of Authority from the probate court is necessary to sell property.

How can you sell your deceased husband's car if your name is not on the title?

When your husband died, you became the heir to all his property unless he specifically listed someone else in a will to inherit the car. Take a copy of his death certificate to your local DMV and they can help you transfer the car into your name.

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If no family member wants the gun, see if a local gun shop will sell it for you.

Can you sell a car you have paid cash for and have receipt on but not personally titled?

No, you cannot sell a car that is not titled in your name. That would be a crime, transferring stolen property. The car legally belongs to the person whose name appears on the title.

If you have a clear title on a vehicle do you have to register the vehicle before you sell it?

As long as it is titled in your name, you can sell it without it being registered.

How long do you have to hold a car someone bought from you?

You can sell it immediately if it is your car titled in your name.

Can the wife sell the car owned by the deceased husband?

Yes but you will need a letter of testamentary together with the title in order for the wife to sign off on it.

Can a husband sign wifes name to sell a car?

Not if the wife's name is on the title. She is the only one who can sell the car.

Can a husband sell car parts from a vehicle owned or titled by the wife in FL?

No, it is still considered theft if the person removing/ selling items is not on the title.

Can the next of kin of my Friend sell me the deceased car if the title is in the deceased name?

You need to inquire at your state DMV to determine how to transfer the title properly.

If your car it is in someone else's name can you sell it yourself?

You can only sell a car if it is titled in your name or if you have paid for the title with intentions to resell and have proof of purchase to protect yourself.

Can a wife sell a husband's vehicle?

The only person that can sell it is the person who's name is on the title.