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Can? Yes. Should you? No. It is illegal to drive a car that came equipped with a catalytic converter without one. There is no benefit to removing a converter from a modern car.

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Q: Can you run without a catalytic converter?
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Will it hurt your New motor in your jeep to run without a catalytic converter?

If the vehicle came from the factory with a catalytic converter is illegal to remove it. It will also not run properly without the catalytic converter install.

How will vehicle run without catalytic converter?

A vehicle that is supposed to have a catalytic converter and it is missing or repaired will run with higher pollution output.

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No, it is illegal to remove the converter. The car will also not run correctly without the converter in place.

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Can a 1996 ford police run without a catalytic converter?

No, it will not run correctly and besides it is illegal to remove the converter.

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No, it is illegal to remove a converter and besides the engine will not run correctly with the converter removed.

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What problems will occur to a car without a catalytic converter?

Check engine light, low power, poor fuel economy, highly illegal to run without the catalytic converter.Check engine light, low power, poor fuel economy, highly illegal to run without the catalytic converter.

Can you drive without a catalytic converter?

Yes, but a modern vehicle will not run properly and it is illegal to remove the converter.

Can a vehicle function well without a catalytic converter?

No, it will not run properly with the converter removed. Besides it is illegal to remove the converter from any vehicle.

How will car run after removing catalytic converter?

Your car will not run better and you will get no better mileage. In fact you car will not run correctly without the converter as the ECU will not be able to adjust the correct fuel/air mixture properly without the converter on place. Know that is illegal in all 50 states to remove a catalytic converter. The fine is from $2,500 to $25,000.