not legal as road use tax was not added to sell price...ez to catch due to coloring added to heating fuel oil...your engine can't tell which it guzzles.
I have gotten friends going after they have run their homes out of oil with diesel until they could get a delivery.
Gasoline, Diesel, Kerosene, Vegetable oil, Steam, & Electricity.
As fast as any diesel will run.
yes, i just ran out 2 weeks ago and researched it pretty hard. assuming ur tallking about home heating?
You could use vegetable oil to run your car IF it is a diesel. It is not necessarily greener than diesel fuel due to the energy used to produce and transport the vegetable oil.
Crude oil is not diesel fuel - it is crude oil, and you really do not want to run this through your engine. Pre-EPA2010 diesels and off-highway diesels are able to run off waste oil if so desired, but this requires pre-heating and straining of the oil (and this is oil which is already processed, not crude oil). Aside from that, such a mixture wouldn't be legal for any on-highway applications.
Natural gas, propane, electricity, steam, & diesel.
yes it can, mixed with petrol. 5litres diesel to .5l of petrol. mixed it up and ur good to go.
no diesel engines run on diesel or bio diesel or refined vegetable oil..
#2 diesel is regular diesel fuel. they run #2 diesel year round in the south. in northern states the run a blend of #1 and #2 diesel. #1 diesel is more like kerosene while #2 diesel is like home heating oil
only if it has a diesel engine. A gasoline engine will not run properly on diesel fuel.