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Yes but do to the 400 Turbo Trans being much longer you will need a shorter drive shaft

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Q: Can you replace a Chevy 3-speed manual transmission with a turbo 400 automatic?
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Converting a manual transmission to automatic transmission is not possible but you can replace a manual transmission to an automativ transmission . That is also an expensive deal.

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one of three. c6 3speed auto. aod 4speed with overdrive. or a 5 speed manual

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if you're looking to replace your automatic with manual the only option is the 91-94 Mazda Navajo's manual.

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If done by a competent mechanic.

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No, they are designed differently.

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The ECU for an automatic can be used in a manual transmission. However, it will not work vice-versa with the ECU from a manual transmission in an automatic.

Can you replace a standard transmission with an automatic transmission?

Yes it can be done, but there is really no point as it is a big job and will cost more than its worth. Plus a manual transmission is way better than a automatic. If you would rather have a automatic transmission it would be wise to just sell the vehicle that has the manual and buy a vehicle equipped with an automatic.

Can you turn an automatic transmission into a 5 speed manual and how much would it cost?

No! You can replace it with a manual, but an A/T cannot be converted.

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the 2.0 Escape transmission is the same for a manual, not sure for automatic.

Are Aston Martin cars manual transmission?

If you buy a standard then it will be a manual transmission. If you buy an automatic, then it will be automatic.

Is an Automatic or manual transmission better in a muscle car?

MANUAL TRANSMISSION because its more powerful and quicker then a automatic. Your muscle car will not have muscle without a manual transmission