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Q: Can you reinstate an auto loan after repossession in Texas?
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If the lender agrees, yes. The matter is entirely up to the lender because the borrower is in default.

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i = installment loan. 8 = repossession. i8 = repossession of an installment loan (like an auto loan).

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Will an auto repossession affect your chances of getting a loan for graduate school?

Only if you are getting a private loan. If you get a government loan it will not affect it since they will only hold govenment debt against you.

Can you get a personal loan after a car repossession?

You might be able to get a personal loan after a car repossession. However, you would get the loan at a very high interest rate one the repossession is on your credit report.

Can they take income tax check if get repossession in Arizona?

They can take whatever the security for the loan was. For example, if you have an auto loan, they can repossess the auto. If you have a home loan, they can repossess the home. If the loan was a recourse loan and the value of whatever was repossessed was less than the amount still owed on the loan, they can get a deficiency judgment in a court of law. If the court grants a judgment, they can they take other assets.

What companies offer auto loans to people with bad credit in Texas?

Auto Net Financial, Road Loans, and West Side Chevrolet are among the companies in Texas that would help you get an automobile loan even if you have bad credit.

How do you use your car towing packages with your loan?

Generally, I can't think if any way that your towing coverage would have anything to do with you auto loan. If your vehicle was repossessed and charged your account for the cost of repossession your auto policies towing and labor coverage would not cover this cost.

How long after repossession can you get a car loan?

The repossession stays on your credit report for 7 years.

Can you modify auto loan if car is up for repossession?

It is entirely up to your lender, talk to them, most really don't want the metal (car) and would rather keep you paying even if it means modifying the loan.

What are the laws in the state of Texas regarding car repossessions and wage garnishment for a repossession?

In Texas, a creditor can repossess a car if the loan agreement has been defaulted. However, they cannot breach the peace during the repossession process. Wage garnishment for repossession is not permitted in Texas unless the creditor sues the debtor, obtains a judgment, and then seeks a writ of garnishment.

How do you get a car back after repossession for no insurance?

Since you have violated the terms of the loan, there is no obligation for the lending institution to reinstate the loan. So you can pay off the loan in full but if they don't want to sell you the vehicle, they don't have to. It's theirs now. They get to dispose of it as they feel appropriate. However, if it was for no insurance they will most likely reinstate the loan. Just call them and be very nice and let them know that they sent the bill to the wrong address or something. I have just recently gotten my car back after it was repoed for no insurance. It will suck for you though, they take your personal items and re-sell them to you. What a steal.