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Yes, putting a car in your name is still possible with a suspended license.

All you are doing is changing car ownership. There are also fees to change ownership. They will send you a new title to the vehicle in the mail.

Division of Motor Vehicles is a separate entity from the Driver's License Division.

Transferring a Title and Registration

To transfer a title and registration, you must have these items:

  • A completed, signed Title and Registration Application
  • A signed and notarized vehicle title
  • A lien release, if applicable
  • All applicable title and registration fees
  • Any other documents that apply (e.g, original or certified copy of power of attorney, personal representative papers, etc.)

If there is a lien on the vehicle that has not been paid off, written permission from the lienholder/lender will be required to add or delete a name.

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Chris Mullis

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5mo ago

NO, You need valid drivers license in AZ to register a vehicle.

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Q: Can you put a car in your name with a suspended license-Tucson AZ?
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A car cannot be put in a minor's name, and at age 17 she is still a minor. When she turns 18 you can then put the car in her name, and she will be responsible for the insurance and any damages from any accidents she may have.

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well u need license to drive but it will cost money to put the ur name in the plate on the back of the car

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you have to be 18 to own a car and have your name on the title. but you can sell a car to a person under 18 and have their parents put their name on the title

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Yes. We call that "giving someone a car."

Can a debt collector put a lien on your car if it is registered to your spouse?

No, if it is your debt only and your name is not on the car. Unless you used the car for collateral for a loan, they can't put a "lien" on it anyway.

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No, but you need to have the car's title put into your name.