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Q: Can you pull the right axle housing off your Ford 550 backhoe with out pulling the rear end?
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What model-ford backhoe bf211f?

That is a Ford 550 backhoe.

What type of transmission fluid do you use in a ford 4500 backhoe?

I have a 1986 Ford 550 backhoe and the transmission uses hydralic oil

Need a hydraulic filter for ford 4500 backhoe?

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Does Ford make a backhoe?

Yes Ford has made backhoe's and heavy equipment for many years. The most common model used today is the 655 and it appears to be highly recommended.

What is the Weight of Ford 4000 loader backhoe?

9500 lbs

Where to add oil on ford 555e backhoe?

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Does Ford make backhoe equipment for tractors?

Yes, Ford does make backhoe equipment for tractors. They have been making farm equipment for many years and offer a wide selection of backhoes.

What type of work can be carried out using a Ford Backhoe?

A backhoe made by Ford Motor Company can be used for the same work as any other quality backhoe. With a primary function of digging trenches, backhoes can be used for many other jobs, depending on the attachments used.

How much does a 1972 ford 4500 industrial backhoe weigh?

I am not positive but from what I've read online its around 9500 lbs with loader and backhoe.

What is the weight of a ford 455 tractor with a front loader and backhoe?


Where coolant sensor on ford KA?

The Ford KA coolant sensor on the 1.6 is located on the right hand side of the engine, directly on top of the thermostat housing, just below the air filter housing.

Do Ford backhoes have a history of being recalled?

No. There may have been some Ford backhoe recalls but it is not a recurrent issue.