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I don't hardly think so.

You state that they're trying to 'take your car'. By that statement you realize they're not trying to 'take your LIFE'. Perhaps you've been served notice that this might happen; or you yourself signed paperwork when you signed for the loan. No doubt this possibility was in the fine-print; therefore you agreed to it. You also realize that 'repossession' is NOT a CRIME; therefore they have a LEGAL RIGHT. So here they come with a tow truck, this makes it obvious that they're not coming for your 'life' but for your 'car'. Why would anyone think they might have a right to 'kill' someone who has the legal right to repossess the car, with paperwork signed by yourself. It just doesn't make sense.

The best way to solve the problem is to make the payments promptly; or perhaps sell the car before it comes to this, and purchase something more in your means.

Usually the Repossessors come in the middle of the night, while you're fast asleep. They don't want a problem such as the possibility you mention. They don't want a 'confrontation'. So they're trying their best to avoid such a scenario.

Often -- if a confrontation does happen, they may even let you 'win this round' in their efforts at avoiding a confront. Perhaps a week later, they may follow you to the Mall; and while you're inside, they might repossess the vehicle, thus doing their best to avoid a confrontation. Either way, it's going to happen sooner or later. Why sit in prison the rest of your life, for such a foolish act, as your question asks.

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Q: Can you kill someone if they are on your property and are trying to take your car?
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