Yes you certainly can insure your teenagers car. Be sur etaht you also add the teenager to your policy otherwise they woudl still be driving un-insured.
If your teenager is a minor, You really have little choice about it. Parents and legal guardians are automatically liable for the costs of accidents and injuries caused by a minor ward. It would be prudent to insure your minor child and the vehicle they are driving. Not doing so could land you in a law suit with no insurance coverage for legal defense or payment of claims resulting from your childs driving.
you can insure a car with no license
No. You must have a valid driver's license to insure your car.
You can insure the car if you list those drivers on the policy.
The bare minimum to insure a car is $500
Yes, some companies will insure your car without registration.
If you insure it in the name of the person who owns the car, yes.
yes, the premium will be astrononic, and some insurance firms will not add children to the exsiting parents policy, they will only insure the teenager in their own right.
In order to insure a car you must have a vaild drivers license for the state you are insuring your car in.
The nouns in the sentence are: teenagers and car.
The nouns in the sentence are teenagers and car.
In my opinion I don't think you can insure a car with out a license because it is the law in most states.
DoType your answer here... do you need a drivers license to insure car?