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Anyone can purchase an Auto Insurance Policy. However if you are a minor, due to the limitations of contract law you would need a parent or legal guardian to countersign any application.

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Q: Can you have your own car insurance policy if you are 17 in pa?
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Can a 17 year old get their own car insurance in ga?

No. An insurance policy is a kind of contract, and a contract cannot be enforced against a minor. An insurance company would be foolish to issue a policy whose conditions could not be enforced.

Can a minor enter into a contract for car insurance in South Carolina?

Usually the answer to this question is no. Rarely an insurance company will let a 17 year old take out a policy on their own if they legally own the vehicle as well. Because an insurance policy is a legal contract that usually means that you must be 18 in order to sign the policy application.

Can a l7 year old have their own car insurance policy in Georgia?

Most insurance companies will not allow a 17 year old to own and insure their own vehicle. I have a couple of insurance companies that do allow them to have a policy. The reason I don't recommend to my customers that they not allow a 17 year old own a vehicle and iisurance their vehicle in their name is that they are not a legal adult under the terms of the lay. An insurance quote along with the policy itself make up a legally biniding agreement. A 17 year old is not technically allowed to sign a legal document.

Can you put your 17 year old son on your insurance policy if he has his own car and lives in a different state?

Yes, you can add anyone you think will be using the car on a regular basis.

If your 17-year-old son who is not on your insurance policy totaled your car and no other vehicles were involved will your insurance cover the damage?

Insurance laws differ state to state. The most logical thing to do is to call your agent! Does your son have his own policy? Is he listed on another policy? If the answer to those are no, in MA your answer is no! 4lifeguild

Can a 17 year get his own car registered?

No, a 17 year old can not get a car registered in his own name. The person who registers the car must have insurance in their name. Insurance is given to people 18 years and older.

If your 17 year old does not live with you and drives your car do you have to add him to the policy?

If you want him to have insurance cover in the event of an accident you should add him to your policy. Any body that is not on your insurance policy should NOT drive your car, if they have an accident you'll have big problems.

If you are 17 and live with a friend can you be under your own insurance policy instead of your parents?


Can a 17 year old drive your car if they are not on the insurance policy?

Unless they have their own insurance or are on your insurance, it's illegal for them to drive. Please don't let that happen. If they get into a wreck (Assuming you're the parent/legal guardian). YOU become liable for damages. Not the minor in question.

If a 17-year-old has his own insurance in North Carolina will his parents' insurance premiums go up?

That depends on weather or not your 17 year old has their insurance on the parents policy. It will go up if the child is on the parents policy, but if the child has their own policy, it won't. But it will be cheaper if the child is added on to the parents policy. My husband is a North Carolina State Trooper so I know alot about insurance. Also, call around and go online for the cheapest rates.

How can you get your 17 year old on his own car insurance?

Make him get a job and pay for it himself.

Can a 17 year old have his own auto insurance in georgia?

No. Most insurance companies do not allow a minor to have their own policy because an insurance policy and application are a legal contract and a minor cannot generally be party to a legal contract. I do know of a couple of insurance companies that overlook this and allow even a 16 year old to buy a policy.