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Interesting question! You aren't legally able to contract unless you are 18 in most states. But there is nothing illegal about you owning a car. But is the title in your name? Can a minor hold title to a vehicle? I've looked through a number of state sites and don't see anything about the age someone has to be to title a vehicle. I hope someone has more information on this one!

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Q: Can you have your own auto insurance policy if you are under the age of 18?
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At what age should my teen get his own auto insurance policy in Rhode Island?

A teen in Rhode Island should get their own auto insurance policy when they get a car in their name.

Does insurance pays claims for under age driver accident?

Ordinarily, an auto insurance policy will require that the driver be licensed as a condition of coverage. Therefore, absent extenuating circumstances, probably not.

How much does sr 22 insurance cost in florida?

You'll have to contact your auto insurance agent or provider. An SR22 filing is not a type of insurance. It is an endorsement to your existing Auto Insurance Policy. The cost depends on exactly he same things that any auto Insurance policy depends on, your age, location vehicle type and driving history

Are there age limitations in the state of Ca regarding auto insurance coverage on parents policy?

No, but there are licensing requirements.

Can you get auto insurance when under age 18?

No, you have to be under you parents. Not without your parents, because your considered a minor.

What is the minimum age required to obtain a car insurance policy in your name in the state of Mississippi?

18 is the age at which you can enter into a legal contract. Before the age of 18 you can still purchase auto insurance but your gaurdian or a parent will have to countersign the insurance application.

At what age should you add an 18 yr old to auto insurance policy?

Whatever age you are at when the 18 year old gets their permit to start driving!

Do you need auto insurance when you have a learner's permit in the state of Florida?

Anybody, regardless of age, operating a motor vehicle in the State of Florida needs a policy of liability insurance.

If an insured driver under the age of 18 is involved in an accident can they claim insurance?

Of course, age doesn't matter. If you have a valid license and have a current insurance policy you can claim the accident.

Which age group has life insurance?

A life insurance policy can be had from 0 age (child policy) to a person of maximum 65 years (pension policy).

In Texas how old do you have to be in order to have your own auto insurance policy?

Any legal driving age can obtain insurance in Texas. If you are a minor then your parents or legal gaurdian will have to countersign your application.