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YIKES! In theory, yes. However, what a mess you are setting yourself up for. For instance: which policy's liability coverage will cover you for your liability when driving another vehicle (ie: rental car, friend's car); which policy's uninsured motorist's coverage will provide coverage in same scenario; which policy will respond when you are a pedestrian and you are injured and your state requires your P.I.P. coverage to pay first? I would NOT suggest you get two different companies!

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Q: Can you have two different insurance companies on two different cars that you own?
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Can you carry your own insurance on a car that already has insurance?

Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies:

Where can one go to get insurance quotes for company vehicles?

Most insurance companies offer insurance for company cars. Check with the company you use for your own car. Usually they can do a price comparison for you.

You dont have your own car insurance can you still rent a car?

YES, Rental companies do not ask for proof of insurance. But I would consider taking he rental cars protection package out.

Can two people hold two life insurance poicies on the same person with different companies?

YES, you can have multiple insurance policies, from different companies or even from the same company. Each company has it's own rules of how much life insurance someone can get. You can get quotes from multiple companies and have life insurance policies issued simultaneously from different companies. You should work with an insurance agent that has access to multiple insurance companies and can advise you what requirements each company has, and the limits they are willing to issue for life insurance.

Where can one obtain insurance for multiple vehicles?

Most insurance companies will issue policies for people who own multiple vehicles. Contact a broker or agent who can provide quotes for different companies.

Is there a number of accidents for a certain length of time where an insurance company will drop you?

All insurance companies are different with their own set of rules in regard to when you are more of liability and they decide to drop you. Check with your own insurance company for a more specific answer.

Do Insurance Companies own Pharmaceutical Companies?

I don't know if they own pharmaceutical companies but it should be a conflict of interest and a crime if they do.

What is the best company for Denver health insurance?

There is not one company that is the best for Denver health insurance. Many companies have there own strengths and it really comes down to what is the best fit for your own individual wants and needs, you can try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies

Where can one find insurance companies for Mercedes car?

There are many companies that offer insurance for Mercedes cars. You can use an online comparison site to obtain quotations for insurance from many car insurers very quickly and efficiently. You can also approach car insurance companies directly, which allows you to obtain quotes from companies that do not work with the comparison sites. You could use an insurance broker to use their specialist knowledge and contacts to obtain competitive quotes for you, but you may pay a premium for their services. Mercedes Benz also offer their own Motor Insurance, specifically tailored for their own vehicles.

Which companies offer drivers under 21 their own car insurance policies?

There are many different companies that offer car insurance policies to drivers under 21. In addition to one's local insurance company, one might also try Progressive.

Will homeowner insurance cover your own cars damaged by hail?


Can you purchase car rental insurance in a state you don't live in?

You can ALWAYS purchase rental insurance in the US. Most rental companies give basic insurance through their own plan or pocket. The cars they use often travel from State to State anyway.