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Why can't the person pay his own insurance? The insurance goes in the name of the owner of the car. Seems like it would open up a large liability for you to do this in your name, even if it were possible. Check in with a few insurance companies.

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Q: Can you have non owners insurance and insure another car that is not in your name but covers the owner?
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Can you insure car for child in college in Ohio while residing in Kansas?

yes, and your home owners insurance covers his personal things in his dorm room

What is home owners insurance?

Uhmm,, Let me Guess? Is it Insurance that covers an owners HOME perhaps?

Can one person own the home and another purchase the homeowner's insurance?

If you mean can you pay for the other persons ( the owners ) insurance policy yes. If you mean can you insure it for yourself no.

Does home owners insurance cover car running over animal?

No, Your Homeowners Insurance covers your Home. Your car Insurance covers you vehicle.

Does home owners insurance cover generators?

Your homeowners insurance covers your home structure.

How do you insure that home owners insurance covers expenses to replace home in the case of fire damage?

They will never give you a 100% replacement cost on your home. Call the company and find out what is the best deal you can get from them and how much.

How do you get insurance when you are not the registered owner of the car?

Answer:As long as you have the owners name on the insurance as owner you can insure it under your own policy

Can you have two homes with home owners insurance?

Yes, You can own and insure as many homes as you like.

In a land contract.who is responsible for home owners insurance?

Nobody. Homeowners Insurance covers Homes not land.

Can you get insurance on a vehicle with a license?

The question is unclear. If what you are asking is whether you can insure a car that you do not own but which you will drive, the general answer is yes. You will need non-owners liability insurance.

Where can one find nonowners insurance?

One can find "non owners" insurance from the following sources: Non Owners Insurance, Progressive Commercial, Cars Direct, Best Car Coverage, NASDAQ, Insure Me, First Acceptance Corp., to name a few.

Could not afford car insurance let car sit for a while-in a car accident in another vehicle as a passenger-No Fault State-get into trouble for not having insurance the leased car that sat?

This depends on the state. For example in PA if you have a vehicle registered but do not insure it, then your medical claim will be denied. In FL your insurance covers your injures regardless of fault and regardless of the car your in. If you are injured as a passenger in some one elses car your injuries are only covered by the owners insurance if you do not own a vehicle.