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It'll be reported stolen. So yes, you can. So long as there's a lien against the vehicle, it belongs to the lienholder, and they have a legal right to reclaim their property. If you try hiding it, you're committing theft.

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Q: Can you go to jail if you hide your car from the repo man in GA?
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Can you go to jail if you hide your car from repo man?

if its not yours and you keep it it is stealing. stealing a car is grand theft auto. yes, you will go to jail for it. it is a felony.

If you hide a car from repo man?

It gets reported stolen.

Can you hide your car from the repo man?

He will report it as a stolen vehicle.

How long does it take a repo man to repo a car in California?

A long time if you hide it well!

Can a repo man come in your unlocked fence yard and repo your car in the backyard?

yes they are allowed on your property hide it in the garage if you have one

What can happen if you hide a vehicle from the repo man in California?

the repo man will get angry because he can't find your car, and they will probably call you and send you mail repeatedly because you owe them money or the car. they might decide to get the law involved, but i don't think they are allowed to do that.

IF you hide the VIN number can the car still be repo?

Yes! Better make sure you hide all the vin numbers and remove your plates:) Seriously hiding the vin will make no difference, only make it harder for the repo man to id.

Can you hide a car from repo man in Florida?

Sell it under the table for a cash deal. Otherwise you can not hide it for long. They will find it. Oh and if you do sell it when it is under re-po then you can go to jail. PAY FOR THE CAR! Even if you sell the car and no longer have possession, if the finance company can't get the car back and the payments are not made, the will come after your paycheck in court. Now you don't have the vehicle but you are still paying for it with garnishment of your pay.

Can the repo man bring the police to your work to get the car if you hide the car?

It isn't your car. If you defaulted on the loan, you are no longer the owner. The repo man can take numerous steps to re-claim the property up to seeking law enforcement assistance. He is the agent of the owner and reclaiming the owner's property is how he gets paid.

What itf you hide a car?

I assume you mean from a repo man. It is illegal to hide a car to prevent repossession. In some states criminal charges can be filed against you. In the end they will get the car. The lender does not want to repo the car anymore than you want it repossessed. Both you and the lender loose.Even if you hide the car eventually they will find it. Don't be foolish and try to hide it. Just set down with them and see if you can work out a deal? If not, then just turn the car over to them. This will save you the repossession fees which you are obligated to pay.

Can the repo man remove your possessions from your car after they repo it?


Best way to hide a motorcycle from the repo man?

Pay the Note