Generally in regardls to a BK 7 the debtor is only allowed to keep his or her vehicle if they reach a repayment/refinancing agreement with the lender. If the lender was not notified of your BK filling before the repossession they have the legal right to seize the vehicle in question.
You might be able to have the vehicle returned for the period of time in which the BK is being adjudicated, but that is not always an option.
You will need permission from the trustee before doing anything financial while in chapter 13 bankruptcy. You will have already signed paperwork agreeing to full disclosure with your trustee when you filed.
IF its filed properly,NO. Why not ask your B/K attorney this question??? That's what you pay them for.
If the Chapter 13 was filed before the car was sold at auction, you should get it back. Otherwise, it's too late.
A car is not totaled in a chapter 13. A car may be totaled while the owner is in a chapter 13. If the car was fully exempted, nothing happens. If you need to buy a new car, you will have to get permission from the bankruptcy court after you file a specific purchase agreement (car loan) which should not seriously affect your plan payments. Why are you not asking your lawyer?
You do. You were in possession of the car. The car was registered to you. Until the car is sold, you are legally and financially responsible for it.
Dismissed or completed? If it were dismissed, your credit report will show that you filed for bankruptcy. Obviously, if you filed bankruptcy your credit is not great. You certainly can buy a car for cash. Finding someone to lend you money; or getting a loan will be more difficult.
You need to calol the LENDER and discuss this.
You have not filed a bankruptcy. You get a docket number immediately when you file. So, yes, they can repo your car. If this was done by a lawyer, you should find out what the lawyer actually did. You can confirm your bankruptcy filing online or by telephoning the court in which it was supposedly filed, and get the docket number. It's a public record.
Can you get 1-yes, with high interest. Must you repay if included-no; but they will repossess.
No unless your car already came with an alarm and you are upgrading or changing models.
Most likely. If you file before the vehicle is sold, the Automatic Stay that gets imposed stops the sale. You can then go back and work on how to pay the arrears. If its a Chapter 13, then they are simply in the plan. If the car has already been repoed, then make sure you call the bank (or whomever you got the loan through) and tell them you filed. Give them the case # and the chapter.
An automobile loan is secured by the vehicle title, meaning that the lending institution has filed legal notice of interest in the vehicle. Even if you file chapter 7 bankrupcy, the lending institution can repo the car if you don't make payments.