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Unless you swallow it whole, I wouldn't think so. Or do you mean you will open it afterwards? Tin cans are hermetically sealed and can handle that sort of thing anyway.

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Q: Can you get sick from an unopened can of tuna being left in the car?
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Related questions

Is it safe to put canned tuna in the fridge?

Yes if the can is unopened. No if it is opened. Place the tuna in an airtight container to refrigerate, never keep it in an opened can.

Can tuna makes dogs sick and not eat?

no It cant most dogs love tuna but it cannot make them sick enough to not eat my dog eats tuna all the time.

Should unopened canned tuna be thrown away if past experation date?

No, as long as the can is undamaged it is safe for a year or longer.

Where can you fine tuna photos?

Google "tuna" and then click the images link at the upper left of the page.

In the days of old where did tuna come from?

Being a fish, tuna comes, and always has come, from the ocean.

What happens when dogs eat tuna?

tuna is a type of fish and fish is bad for dogs beacause the fur starts to falll off and the dog gets sick -ana silva15

Is it safe to move an unopened can of tuna from the fridge to the pantry?

Canned, Jared or bottled goods do not need to be stored in the fridge while they are unopened. The canning / bottling process sterilises the contents so that they do not go bad. However, over time chenical changes can affect the quality of the can's / bottle's / jar's contents so they have a use by date stamped on them. This said, people who have opened food canned for WW2 soldiers have found the contents still very edible.

If tuna is used in a macaroni dish and then left out over night is it bad?


What is the process for canning tuna?

Tuna is canned either raw or precooked. The meat is stripped away from the bones, the blood is drained, and then the tuna is packed in oil or water, with salt being an optional added step.

Is tuna left in can for 2 days edible?

yes, there should be a use by date on it, go by that

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Why are dolphins endangered animals?

because they are being cough in tuna nets