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Yes. Some carriers sell this type of coverage more on a seasonal basis (for instance, you park your car at a summer residence, don't use it for nine months out of the year, but still need coverage).

Contact your agent and/or carrier directly to find out more information. The premium for this type of coverage should be relatively low, since the vehicle's not in use, but you'll want to be very clear with your carrier about when you'll be using the car again. If you forget, and use the car during its "off" time, you might not have coverage.

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Q: Can you get non-driving auto insurance if you are keeping your car but will not be driving it for 6 months to a year?
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I don't know what the fine is in a particular jurisdiction but I can tell you this. The fine for driving without insurance will be far more than six months premium of the insurance that you were required to carry.

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I am not sure about California itself but of the states I do no about the penalty is always more than six months of insurance would have cost the person had they purchased the liability insurance.

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If you have a vehicle that you will be driving you will need to have insurance on it no matter what. You will not need any special insurance. Your regular insurance will cover you while you are out of state.

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If you get twelve points on your driving record in a two year period your driving privileges can be suspended for up to six months. This can make it difficult, but not impossible to get insurance. It will most likely raise the cost though.

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In the state of New York, a DWI will affect your insurance for a period of 40 months. However, you really can't be driving when you lose your license because of a DWI anyway.

Do you have to have insurance full coverage if you are not driving a car that you are still paying on?

Yes & No. You still have to have liability coverage, which is the lowest type of car insurance, if you plan on driving another person's vehicle. Because, several years ago, I drove my friend's vehicle and the brakes went out and I rear-ended another vehicle. My friend did not have insurance on his vehicle, so my license was suspended for three months for no insurance. I advised the DMV that the vehicle wasn't mine! But, they told me that it doesn't matter! I should have had liability insurance anyways, if I was planning on driving someone Else's vehicle!

How much is one months car insurance?

They base it on you're age,vehicle,sex,and driving record go online and check different carriers. To find out

Will your American brother who has an American driving license be able to hire a car and get it insured for his 6 stay in England?

A foreign or International driving licence is usually valid for 12 months and can be used to hire a car with insurance included.

Is it possible to get temporary car insurance in Florida?

In the state of Florida, you can buy insurance from 3 months to 6 months to more if you want. They do not have weekly insurance, but as long as its a few months, you can do that.

What happens if you hit someone who is driving without a license but has car insurance and tries to charge you for medical?

Your insurance should cover the person you hit. In about six months the unlicensed driver WILL get a letter in the mail from DMV saying they ARE in trouble for driving without a license. Usually, the punishment is a years suspended license and a fine.

Does a person need car insurance even if they're not allowed to drive for 6 months court ordered?

If you do get caught driving it will be even worse if you don't have insurance. You don't need it, but if you cancel your insurance, it will just go up when you try to get it back because you will be considered high risk

If your insurance will not cover your son during the 6 months he is driving with a learner's permit what happens if he is involved in a car accident while driving with an adult?

Your auto insurance will cover your son while on a lerners permit. Check with your company as some require that he be listed as a driver and you must pay premium while others do not require that he be listed until he gets his regular license. If you insurance is telling you that there is no coverage while he is on the permit then you need a different insurance company.