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No you can fire them anytime you want but must maintain full coverage on a car if there's a lien.

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Q: Can you get in trouble if you want to switch car insurance before your policy ends?
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Can I switch car insurance companies if my policy isn't up yet?

Yes. If you prepaid for your policy, your insurance company will refund any unused portion.

Can homeowners insurance be replaced by another insurance?

If you are required to carry homeowners insurance by, say, the bank through which you have your loan, you can switch to another provider for insurance at any time (there are a few forms you would need to fill out, but your new agent would be able to help you with that). You wouldn't be able to switch to another kind of insurance, though. The new policy would need to be a homeowners policy.

What are a couple of positive things about Medigap Insurance, I would like to know before considering a switch?

A Medigap Insurance decisions needs to be carefully thought out. There are 12 different policies from A-L and each has different benefits from basic to extra benefits. The price and benefits vary per policy. Go to and request the brochure-"Choosing a medigap policy" for information about each policy.

Do's and Don'ts of Switching Auto Insurance? You can switch your auto insurance coverage to another company anytime you choose to do so. It doesn't matter whether you've been with your insurer for many years or just signed with a new insurance company a few days ago. However, you have to do it the smart way or it can end up costing you big time if don't do it the right way. Generally, when you cancel your premium in any period before the policy period lapses, the insurance company will prorate your most recent premium payment up to the date of cancellation. The unused portion will be reimbursed back to you. First, always make sure you have your new auto policy in place before you cancel the old one. Don't ignore your insurance bill. You might have a time period lapse where you aren't covered at all. You will be considered an uninsured motorist and liable for any fines or penalties imposed by the state in which you live. Additionally, if you get in an accident during a period where you've cancelled your policy and the new one is not yet in force, you will have bear all the financial costs yourself. You'll be out of luck and in for a major financial headache. One misconception that some people are under is that they think they have to wait until their current insurance policy is about to lapse before they can switch auto insurers. Not so as you can do it at anytime you choose to switch insurers. However, some insurance companies may charge you what is called a short rate' cancellation penalty if you terminate the policy before its expiry period. The penalty might negate the financial savings you hoped to enjoy by switching. The best bet is to always ask if your insurance company has a cancellation policy before you buy in case you want to switch companies later on. Finally, when you cancel your auto insurance policy, don't rely on doing so with a simple phone call. Always cancel your insurance policy in writing. In your letter you should specify the date you want the policy terminated. This is important. If you don't, the insurance company will terminate the policy at the end of the coverage period with the reason that you failed to pay your premium. The result can negatively affect your ability to buy a new policy elsewhere.

What happens when you switch insurance companies after a policy expires?

Nothing of any consequece happens at all except that you now insured by a different company.

Can you switch your deductible to 100 before repairs then back to 1000 after the work is done?

Is this what we would call in the UK 'voluntary excess' on an insurance policy? Your insurance company may allow you to change your excess mid-term but you will probably have to pay an 'additional premium' as you will most likely have received a discount when you took the insurance policy out for choosing a higher excess in the first place. Your insurer may get suspicious if you do this then immediately make a claim or they discover that an accident for which you are making a claim took place before you requested a change in your excess. This may result in your claim being rejected. Carefully consider the excess or deductible when you choose your insurance policy. If you choose a higher excess at the start to obtain a discount on your policy then you should be prepared to pay out in the event of a claim. CQ

Can a person cancel an auto insurance policy at any time from the date the policy?

Each insurance policy is different. Technically you are able to switch companies at any time BUT there could be a penalty or fee for leaving before your renewal date. You need to check your policy and do the math to see if it is worth paying the fee to get the benefits of the new company. If you simply stop paying your current insurance company, you can bet that it will hurt your credit score. That will also cause any new policies to be more expensive. You also want to make sure there are no lapses in your coverage. Make sure your new policy starts the same day that your old one ends. You should call your insurance company and see what necessary steps need to be taken.

Is it illegal to deny auto insurance to someone deployed overseas in the US Military?

Aparently not. I have the same problem now. Im in the UK and USAA (who I had in the states) would not switch my policy to a UK policy due to stricter rules in the UK. It is up to the Insurance Company's Underwriter in the Country that you are deployed to.

In the economic slowdown, I lost my job. My new employer does not provide group health insurance to its employees. Any help as how I should buy health insurance privately ?

I faced the same problem. I stuck to COBRA and I have around 7 more months to go before I will need to switch to a private insurance policy. I guess online platform should be a good choice. I will check and see what they have to offer. Thanks!

In NY if you have health insurance and have colon cancer but want to switch insurance companies for better coverage does the other insurance company have to take you?

I sure would check before I made the switch. You could be getting into that pesky, ''pre exsisting condition'' thing.......Ask the new carrier first before you switch, (I'd get it in writing).......good luck to you. Actually, in NY health insurers are not allowed to reject you for a pre-existing condition as long as you show continuous coverage with no lapse for a specific period of time. Just make sure that you do not cancel your old policy until the effective date of the new coverage. I have done this many times for my clients. Good luck to you.

How long should you be with your auto insurance before you can switch to another?

you can switch at any time. You will have to pay anything that you owe your old company or they should refund any premium to you that was "unused"

Can you buy insurance for underground sewer pipes?

Yes you can, but it will cost you much much more than the average home insurance policy.Best Option would be to have purchased an HO3 or an Ho5 policy ALL Risk aka, Broad coverage policy. If the damage has already occurred, then it would be too late to switch as it would be considered pre-existing damage under the new policy.