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Even if you do not own a car, you still need insurance protection if you drive one. The auto you borrow, rent, or use may have proper insurance coverage, but you also should protect yourself with personal liability protection.

Here is how to get it:

Ask for the cost of higher liability coverage based on the assets you own and your projections of future income to be protected. For your protection, consider purchasing as much liability insurance coverage as you can afford

Ask the insurance company or agent about your state's minimum liability coverage rules. States differ in the minimum liability insurance coverage they require.

Analyze your assets, including home, furniture, art, clothing, computer, electronics, and all other personal assets. Get quotes for liability insurance only.

Estimate your future income. This is important because, like life insurance, you want to protect your future income as much as possible. This calculation often results in a larger amount than all of your personal assets.

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Q: Can you get auto insurance with out having a car?
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What's the law in Georgia about drivers having auto insurance?

The Law in Georgia about drivers having auto insurance is no different to any other state,you must have auto insurance if you drive a car.

Which companies provide car insurance in the state of OR?

Companies that offer car insurance in Oregon are State Farm auto insurance, 21st Century auto insurance, Nationwide auto insurance, Mercury auto insurance, Farmers auto insurance, and AAA auto insurance.

Can you get car insurance without a bank account?

Yes. Having a bank account is not a prerequisite for obtaining auto insurance coverage.

Are car insurance requirements for Hawaii different?

Having car insurance for rental cars in Hawaii is optional, but you might be covered while traveling through your current auto insurance. All the limits you have with your auto insurance policy remain in effect while traveling. To know if you will for sure be covered by your car insurance, call and ask.

Does having a license automatically insure you as a driver?

No,, You have to buy the auto insurance for your car or you have to make sure the owner of the car you are driving has the required insurance and that it will cover you as a driver as well.

Can you carry auto insurance with no car?

You have to have a vehicle to carry auto insurance.

Where can you find the cheapest auto insurance?

Cheap auto insurance can be found by having a checklist containing these things; taking yearly policies, checking mileage, anti car theft devices, group discounts, and multi-car discounts.

Do i need auto insurance with a license but no car?

you only need auto insurance if you driving. upon buying a car, you should get insurance.

Can I obtain insurance without a car?

re: auto insurance, no; auto insurance is written on the vehicle, not on a person.

What is the benefit of infinity insurance?

By having Infinity Auto Insurance, you will be insured which is a good thing. Also, you can manage your policy online. They also offer classic car and RV insurance.

How long do you have to get auto insurance after purchasing a car?

You must have auto insurance before you drive the car off the dealer's lot.

Can you just buy sr22 insurance without having a car?

An sr22 is not insurance. It's a state required form providing proof of auto insurance coverage for drivers with certain offenses. You might consider a non owners auto insurance policy with an sr22 filing to meet your requirements if you don't own a car.