Sure. if it is traffic related it is a ticket. But some are certainly felonies such as DUI, habitual violator, vehicular manslaughter, etc.
Its a felony in most places not a ticket lol.
No. In the U.S. it would be a "paraphernalia" ticket at most. Definitely not a felony
It is not a felony, but you will have a warrant put out for your arrest if you continue to ignore the ticket. Below is a link about failure to appear.
No. Misdemeanor.
No. Felony offenses require a summary arrest (i.e.: taking you into custody).
Pay the ticket. A traffic ticket is a misdemeanor and is not affected by a previous felony conviction unless related to another criminal act.
Generally not. A misdemeanor is possible, but a felony charge would be considered extreme in most jurisdictions (unless there were felonious charges on top of the speeding ticket).
No. It is neither a misdemeanor nor a felony. It means forfeiture of money to pay for the infraction. It could be for a traffic ticket or a violation of a city ordinance.
Yes. A felony conviction is not like a traffic ticket - it doesn't go away with time, but rather, stays with you for life.
There is no monetary fine (like for a traffic ticket) for a weapons charge, you will get a jail sentence.
The ARREST record will still reflect that the arrest was for a felony offense, HOWEVER, if you are asked if you were ever CONVICTED of a felony, you can truthfully answer 'no.'