You have to really have a good reason for wanting the info but law enforcement personnel can get the numbers owner.
The Department of Motor Vehicles in that stae can.
They can find that info out by running the plate number and then, when the owner i sdisplayed, running the name of the owner. The owner of a vehicle does not have to have a license.
I want to know the owner of the plate G32 Dash KZU New Jersey plates
You don't.
Vehicle Identification Number is the VIN. It will located on small plate on the front windshield area of your car. Also it will be on your owner's permit.
The Number Plate on the Car indicates the Registration number allotted by the Motor Vehicles Registering Authority in India. The registration process involves submitting the owners identity along with other documents required as per the instant laws. To find out the owner of the car, one has to approach the concerned registering authority, with the Registration Number (number plate), who maintains the records of the owners' identity.
On the front of the car or the back.
If you would like to find the owner of a car that a license plate belongs to you would need to contact law enforcement. If you could do that for someone then they could do it for you and would you want someone accessing your personal information with just your license plate number? Only law enforcement and the DMV have access to those files.
You can find out number of previous owner for free on free car history check site as they provide lots of details about • History of number plate change • Numbers of keepers history • Colour change history • Whether the car has been scrapped or not • Check if the vehicle is imported. • Car valuation • outstanding finance status • Insurance write off check
You can't. Contact law enforcement if you want to know the name of the owner of a car. Privacy laws exist to protect people.
yes you could find the owner, brand and amny more details