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Q: Can you file a police report for an adult that makes you feel unsafe?
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What makes reporting stalking so hard?

Quite often it is because it becomes a he-said, she-said situation. Many places have not caught up with the laws or actions where stalking is concerned, and if you feel unsafe, keep reporting the behaviour to the police as often as you need to in order to get some action on it. The police should talk to the stalker and file a report, so you can ask for the report information each time in case you need to file for a protection order.

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the shock

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If a victim makes a report to the police and the police have either evidence, or a 'reasonable cause to believe,' that the assault took place, they may make an arrest.

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Some stuff can be unsafe

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A Crocodile.

Neighbor who makes false claims to police?

Report him? Added: Believe me, if the neighbor continually reports unfounded criminal complaints THEY will quickly be known to law enforcement.

What do you do if your dad makes advances on you?

Tell the police! Or go find some other adult and tell them. That is not right, that is not normal and you are in danger if you are in a household where one of your parents is trying to have sex with you or touch you in that way. You need to call the police or tell and adult, do not tell your freinds, they cant help, tell your teacher or someone outside of your house.

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Unsafe, unsecured, hopeless and defenceless.

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What do you do if your mom makes you touch her breast and vagina and sometimes put them in your mouth and have sex ect even if you like it?

Report her. Either go to the police, or talk to a trusted adult. If you do not like it then you should not be forced to do it. Please, talk to someone about it. You shouldn't have to be made to suffer alone. If you talk to someone they can make it stop straight away, and give your mom the help she needs. Keep doing it.

What can you do if my 16 year old daughter left with out your consent to go with her 18 year old boyfriend?

This makes her a runaway so report her to the police as such. Her boyfriend could be charged with aiding a runaway or kidnapping.

Who makes the decisions in police state?

In a police state, the government would control the actions of police.