Consider a normal loan from a bank. You go to the bank and ask for money. Based on your credit history, the bank will give you what it considers a "safe" amount, one that you will pay back to them later with interest. In this case there is no collateral. In the case of a title auto loan, you are going to lender and giving them the title- the ownership rights- to your vehicle. You are providing collateral to your loan- in exchange, the lender now gives you the money you need. They of course will want interest in the end like any other loan. These loans usually do not require credit checks, but can become very financially destabilizing if not paid off as soon as possible. Consult a professional consultant in this field if you wish to get one.
if you are looking for a loan go to 1 stop auto title loans they offer the type of short term loan you are looking for.
One can find low rate auto equity loans from places such as PNC Auto Loans, Cash America, Presto Auto Title Loans and Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union.
Automobile title loans is a good thing to use when in need of an auto car loan for yourself. To learn more about this information on auto loan you can check
Auto cash title loans do not put a lien on your car. What happens is you surrender the title to the loan company and they give you cash. If you fail to pay back the loan, they have the title and are now able to legally come and take your vehicle.
Loans through a reputable bank or credit union are very safe. People who use auto title loan companies often run into problems.
There is a wealth of information available online pertaining to cash loans for auto titles. A good place to start is
Nosotros compramos préstamos automovilísticos.
Auto title loans are not necessarily a bad idea, but they do have very high interest rates that you will have to pay back in addition to the money of the loan that you go. You also need to be sure that the company that you are borrowing from is reputable.
Auto title loans are risky at best. Interest rates are very high, it may become impossible to pay off the loan. A good article about the disadvantages of an auto title loan can be found here:
The Auto Title Loan, also known as the "pink slip" in the US, is issued where the car owner uses their vehicle as collateral for a loan. Information regarding this can be found at the website of any company offering such loans.
you can find title loans at 1 stop title loan stores ...they have a good special right now too you can get $500 loan for only $25 and its a 30 day loan too...real good.
Try or They both offer motorcycle and auto title loans in Texas.