Yes, absolutely as long as you don't plan on putting a great load on the vehicle, such as towing or lots of hills or hot weather. Many of the earlier model cars didn't have transmission coolers, however, you can expect to do transmission overhauls more often
Transmission fluid is a very important fluid while maintaining a car. Transmission fluid can be low, and a car can drive a decent length without any problems. However, the distance is dependent on the shape and condition of the rest of the car.
This is a good question. The answer is YES. The transmission with overdrive will run properly if just left alone. It will shift when needs to, even in the city. NOW, if you are towing a trailer and do not have a tow package, then take the overdrive OFF, the transmission will run cooler with the o/drive off. Keeping o/drive on pulling a trailer can burn the trans. by overheating, this is a fact, even with a trans. cooler. If you live in the North with the weather conditions that we have, then when you are driving in snow, you can put the transmission in drive, with o/drive off, it will help slow the car down a little.
Yes, and with no problem. But for safety, have an extra transmission cooler added to th car, and pull the trailer with the over drive off. This will keep the transmission cool.
An external transmission cooler is normally added in line with a vehicles already existing transmission cooler built into the radiator its function is to cool the transmission only. Adding, replacing and or repairing a transmission cooler would only benefit the transmission by cooling the transmission fluid. The transmission cooler is used mainly for cooling transmissions that pull heavy loads like trailers but is also used a lot in racing to keep the fluid cooler which helps reduce transmission overheat or burnout. , EzForJesus
Strong possibility of a blown head gasket. Either do not drive it or driver very slowly and carefully to get it checked. You dont have a blown head gasket, you have a leak in the transmission oil cooler which is inside the radiator. The cheapest way to fix it is to buy a external transmission oil cooler and hook that up to the transmission oil cooler lines which are now going to your radiator. then cap off the two ports on the radiator where the old cooler lines went. Your car will never know the difference, and your transmission will probably last longer as the external transmission oil cooler is vastly supirior to the one inside the radiator.
No! It is illegal to drive a car without a licence.
transmission is gone.
Yes, well I can do it on my car
Start the car after it has set overnight. Run for a few minutes while in drive. Shut of and feel the 2 lines. The one that is hot is the inlet.
Transmission. Get out your checkbook.
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