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Yes, but you must understand the dangers involved; driving your car with a gas leak (depending on what, where, and how bad) is like driving with a small bomb - the right set of circumstances can cause a fire or worse. IE: it is NOT smart.

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Q: Can you drive your car with a gas leak?
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Is it safe to start or drive a car when you suspect you have a gas leak?

no it isn't safe to drive.gas is highly flameable,and a gas leak will only lead to self destruction.

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if you have a gas leak.

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You have a gas leak.

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because your car has a gas leak

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did you leave the gas cap off and drive the car?

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There are innumerable points for the leak, cost for repair will depend on where it is. You can drive the car only if the leak is minor and the temperature gauge shows normal temperature.

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probably not you have a gas line leak

Why does your car smells like gas on the inside?

make be there is a gas leak

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gas cap loose..

1995 new yorker car takes couple of turn overs to start feels like car flooded smell of gas strong when running?

you probably have a leak that drains your pressure when it sits, and that's what you smell. it is not safe to drive with a fuel leak

Why would a car smell like gas once start?

my car smells like i have a petrol leak when i turn it on but have no leak underneath the car