It depends on the seriousness of the leak. Basically, if you car is not in top condition/repair you should not drive it.
Water can not leak from the rear main seal, only oil. Most likely there is a leaking freeze plug near the rear main seal dripping water onto it.
your main oil seal on the rear of engine is leaking or the timing cover seal is leaking,
NO... They are 2 different seals. If the transmission seal is leaking then the fluid color will be RED that's leaking. If the rear main seal is leaking then it will be oil leaking from the engine and it won't be red.
You will have to pull the transmission out and remove the fly-wheel to inspect the rear main seal. It is a 1 piece round seal that slides over the rear of the crankshaft. If the rear main seal is leaking on that 2002, I would find that very odd.
If it is the rear main seal that is leaking, the tranny must be separated from the engine housing.
Rear main engine seal or front transmission seals
The rear main is on the end of the crank shaft. The transmission and flywheel have to be removed to service.
rear main seal leaking
The job of the rear main seal is to keep the oil lubricating the rear main bearing from leaking out. Older model rear main seals were made from a "rope" type of material. Today the rear main seal is a one or two piece seal made from neoprene rubber and is located directly behind the rearmost main bearing journal of the crankshaft.
Yes but make sure it is full of oil before you leave home. I have run cars for a long time with main seals leaking.
If Engine oil is present, It would most likely be the rear-main oil-seal leaking! could also be coming from the valve cover(s)
IF you have rear wheel drive it may be a grease seal for the rear differential. Otherwise it is probably a wheel cylinder. Check your brake fluid level. GEt this fixed ASAP- Safety concern. Wheel cylinder, brake fluid.. If it's a rear wheel drive vehicle, it may be the axle seal leaking as well. Hello... hello...