Yea you could if you are stupid enough to try it. You will have to brake 50-75 feet quicker than you normally would. I wouldn't recommend it though.
Start the engine and then push the brake pedal down. If it is soft and easy to push then the booster is okay. If booster is BAD the brake pedal would be hard to push.
A bad brake booster will cause a vacuum leak, result in poor braking, and even poor engine performance. The brake booster has a large diaphragm which can fail and leak.
No it's not safe. In an emergency situation you may not have ample stopping power.
brake booster vacuum leak,or bad brake booster.
you will have a hard brake pedal
Master cylinder is bad and appears to be coming from the booster.
bad o2 sensor Could also be a power brake booster going bad.
BAD power brake booster are a vaccum leak at the booster.
problem could be caused by, a bad return spring on brake pedal, a bad brake booster, a bad vacuum line to booster, a bad master cylander, or worn out brake linings on wheels
Probably the brake booster going bad.
I would say a power brake booster or a brake booster would be the same.
Sounds like the power brake booster is bad.