of course, as long as there are more than 4 people in the truck
so stick some people in the back
The employees that get picked up in a carpool drive in the carpool lane.
As long as there is 2 people in the car u can drive in the carpool. The other exception is if its a hybrid car it will come with a yellow sticker that allows u to drive in the carpool even if its only you in the car
all the time
Someone who knows how to drive a truck and is legally licensed to drive a truck has to train you, so that you can drive a truck (but you do also have to get a license).
No Trailers in carpool lines in Cal , Towing in right lanes only. The DMV Hanbook states:"Vehicles towing trailers are typically not allowed to use carpool lanes, because they must drive more slowly and are usually restricted to the right-hand lane." typically...go figure, it probably depends on the officers mood.
I wish! But, sadly, no you can't! You do get to ride in one for work tho... carpool
If two or people in a vehicle. Someone driving a motorcyle can go in with just ONE person.
A carpool lane is a special freeway lane only for buses and/or carpools. You may use a carpool lane or onramp if your vehicle carries the minimum number of people required for the carpool lane or you drive a low-emission vehicle displaying a special DMV-issued decal. Motorcycle riders may use designated carpool lanes, unless otherwise posted. Signs at the onramp or along the freeway tell you the minimum number of people required for the carpool and the hours the carpool requirement applies. The pavement in this lane is marked with a diamond symbol (◊) and the words "Carpool Lane." These lanes are also known as high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes. Do not cross over double parallel solid lines to enter or exit any carpool lane except at designated entry or exit places. Vehicles towing trailers are typically not allowed to use carpool lanes because they must drive more slowly and are usually restricted to the right-hand lane.
no it is not very efficent to drive a truck to and from school