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This is a state law. In Illinois and Texas I know for sure the answer is no. If you're caught, your license will be suspended. What state are you interested in?

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Q: Can you drive legally without auto insurance?
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May a licensed driver legally drive without auto insurance?

Not in Texas.

Can an auto dealership legally give you only 2 days to get auto insurance?

Most dealerships will require insurance before you drive off the lot.

What do you need to know if you only want to drive legally?

If you want to drive legally you must have a valid drivers license. If you are asking about car insurance you must check with your state and ask what the state minimum for auto insurance is.

How old can you be to buy auto insurance?

Old enough to legally drive is old enough to buy auto insurance. i still a minor you will be required to have your parents countersign the application

What is the meaning of standard auto insurance?

Standard auto insurance generally refers to the basic car insurance one needs in order to legally drive a vehicle. Often, standard insurance is acceptable for most drivers.

Can you get auto insurance without an auto?

It depends on the insurance company. There are some out there where you can get insurance on you to drive any vehicle and be covered, it is normally more expensive that way.

How long can you drive after buying a car without auto insurance in Indiana?

You can't legally drive a car in Indiana without auto insurance for any length of time. If by chance you mean how long can you drive a newly purchased vehicle before needing to notify the insurance company that was covering your old vehicle you'll need to read your policy. Policies will vary by company but many companies will give you up to 30 days to notify them of the change in vehicles.

Can you get auto insurance with no auto?

Auto Insurance Without a Car?Yes, You can purchase "Non Owners Insurance" Coverage. Sometimes referred to as "Named Driver Coverage"Drive safe - Buckle Up

What happens after 3 days without auto insurance?

nothing, just illegal to drive with out it.

Can I get away with dropping my auto insurance?

I do not have a particular website to answer your question. I do know, however, that if you drive with no auto insurance it is against the law. Also, if you do get in an accident you are not covered for your injuries. Also, if the accident is your fault, you can get a hefty lawsuit served in your name. Keep shopping for cheaper insurance. Do not drive without auto insurance.

Can you get back dated auto insurance?

Not legally

How many days after buying a car do you have to purchase auto insurance?

You should not drive this vehicle at all on public roads without insurance.