Goodwill does accept donations of cars at most of their stores. When donating a car to Goodwill you must give a reasonable estimate of the car's value if you wish to use the donation as a tax credit to charity.
To donate a car a place that would be recommended is your local Goodwill. The donation is tax credited which means you can put it on your taxes and get paid for it.
You can donate your car to any Goodwill or Salvation Army. There are also many homeless people in the Dallas area who would gladly accept a donated car.
Goodwill. They have many locations and an established reputation.
There are no problems with goodwill all you do is donate stuff.
Goodwill baby, goodwill.
You can donate your car to the American Cancer Society.
There are many reputable places that will help you donate a car. Try your local churches, non-profit charities. Goodwill and Salvation Army are also great places to check.
One of the most well known charities to donate a car to is the American Kidney Foundation. Goodwill and Salvation Army also will accept donations. These donations are usually tax deductible.
One can donate old cars to 1-800-Charity Cars, Donate a Car, Habitat for Humanity, Car Angel and Goodwill. Schools and churches may also accept cars and other vehicles for donation.
We wanted to donate some things to the Goodwill.
Someone interested in finding more information about how to donate a car to a charity in New Jersey (NJ) could most likely start by asking their charity of choice how they can donate to their cause. Otherwise, a church or possibly Goodwill center can help those desiring to donate a car.
To donate a car you can contact your local Goodwill, or you can contact Cars 4 Causes, at 1-800-766-CARE, and they will give you a list of charities to donate to.