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Q: Can you crush and snort embeda er 30-1.2 and ge high?
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just crush a football and snort it that's the best way!

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Crush it up and snort it you will not get high if you smoke it

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you can if you want but you cant get high off it

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you snort it and if you get high then its heroin

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u get high from that?i took it for years and believe me it want get you high..if you want too get high snort you an Oxycontin that will do the trick..disclaimer i am not telling you too abuse drugs in anyway. but believe me i know..

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yes you can snort any kind of tablet just be careful not to OD.....and snorting this will get you extendedly high

What is the meaning of snort?

To force the air with violence through the nose, so as to make a noise, as do high-spirited horsed in prancing and play., To snore., To laugh out loudly., The act of snorting; the sound produced in snorting., To expel throught the nostrils with a snort; to utter with a snort.

Does Watson 749 get you high how many should i take if i take dilatids and Oxycontin to get high so i have a tolerance?

It doesn't really do much. If you crush up one and snort it the high lasts for maybe a minute and it's very mild. Most of it gets stuck in your nose so it's better to take it orally, maybe chew it up, but that doesn't do much either. If it's all you can get your hands on, though, I'd say snort it since the feeling is very immediate. Definitely crush up more than one 'cause with one pill the high isn't strong at all. Just keep tabs on how many you've crushed so you don't O.D. :)

How much does Seroquil sell for?

depends on how much mgs it is and if the person snorts or not if they snort it then they will get high if not it will not get them high