The repo agency will likely charge a "storage fee" for those items when you go to get them back.
YES, the law requires them to charge it.
No this is a bogus fee.Don't pay it ask for a reciept for what they are trying to charge you for.
Can I get my personal property from the car if it has already been repossed without paying a fee?
mine was charged, i left the junker at the car dealership and when i finally got sick of paying for a car i hadn't touched for months, they repossessed something they had possession of.
Yes, there are some instances that a person can get a repossessed car back in the state of Iowa. If the person pays all the money owed plus a repo fee, the car may be returned.
YES, its a fee for inventory and storage. as a constructive bailee, they are legally bound to protect your stuff.
* You have to contact the storage yard immediately. * If you have proof of ownership take it with you. (You might not need this.) * If you have proof that the car is registered in your name take that with you. * The storage yard should not charge you for holding your belongings if you have contacted them immediately. They might charge you some fee if they have to go to some trouble to get your belongings.
Contact the lender.They are entitled to the car but not to your personnel property.The repo-company is supposed to log and bag your personnel property for you to pick up(they may charge a fee for logging and bagging your p.p.).
I just had my car repossessed and they told me i have to pay 75 dollars to get my personal things out. Also it hasnt been 24 hours. Im not sure is it illegal to charge that fee?