you round it to the top number Fractions and ounces are not convertible.
Toyota published a "Convertible Repair Manual Supplement" which covers top replacement. The manual is available from Toyota dealers and is publication number 00400-RM042-S.
A convertible.
An unfavorable change in temperature or weather might induce someone to close the top of their convertible.
The colors are your choise.
where do i find a convertible top for a 2002 v.w.cabrio
The convertible top uses automatic transmission fluid.The convertible top uses automatic transmission fluid.
behind the top rear seat
How do you put the top down on a 1998 Chevrolet Convertible
There are hard top corvettes and convertible corvettes.
If one wants to use convertible top fluid on a 1992 Lebaron convertible, one should first put the fluid on a rag and begin to wipe down the top. It is important that one spread the fluid evenly on the top.
The convertible top motor uses automatic transmission fluid.The convertible top motor uses automatic transmission fluid.